Once upon a time in a small town, there lived three adorable Golden Retriever puppies named Max, Bailey, and Charlie. They were born on the same day, and their birthdays were always a special occasion for their loving owners, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. As the years went by, Max, Bailey, and Charlie grew up to become inseparable. They spent their days playing fetch in the park, chasing each other’s tails, and exploring the world around them. They were not only siblings but also the best of friends. One sunny morning, the Johnsons woke up with excitement in their hearts. It was a very special day because it marked the birthday of their beloved Golden Retriever triplets. They decided to make it a memorable celebration for their furry companions. Mrs. Johnson baked a delicious birthday cake, using dog-friendly ingredients, and decorated it with three small candles. She added extra treats and toys to their gift baskets. Mr. Johnson, on the other hand, planned a surprise outing to their favor...