The guts-wrenching story of Celeste, a devoted mom dog, has deeply moved folks worldwide. On the tender age of two, Celeste discovered herself deserted, pregnant, and alone. Regardless of her dire circumstances, she possessed a serene, contemplative, and endearing disposition. She was compelled to present beginning in perilous environment and endure life on the unforgiving streets. With each ounce of her energy, Celeste did her utmost to offer for her stunning puppies, at the same time as she virtually vanished from sight attributable to her difficult circumstances. Surviving as a road dog is an arduous feat, particularly with the duty of birthing, nurturing, and caring for 5 puppies. It was obvious that Celeste and her 5 pups had been severely undernourished. Using each accessible nutrient, she nourished her puppies and shielded them from the cruel winter chilly. Regardless of her personal hunger, Celeste’s foster mom, Elaine, noticed that Celeste was “extraordinarily emaciated, w...